CIT est une entreprise innovante, dynamique et conviviale qui non seulement suit les nouveaux développements, mais aussi établi de nouveaux développements.
Cit veut apporter une contribution positive à l’organisation de nos clients dans le domaine des logiciels et des services. Cit a une parfaite connaissance de la gestion de collections et des TIC et notre équipe de projet a de fortes compétences en communication. Nous faisons des efforts considérables pour réaliser nos projets et respecter nos délais.
Bienvenue sur le site des Collections Information Technology (Cit).
Cit (Collections Information Technology) propose depuis plus de quinze ans des solutions pour la gestion et la présentation de collections culturelles, par exemple, en fournissant aux musées l’application de gestion de collections The Museum System (TMS) et en développant les infrastructures nécessaires pour l’accès à l’information à l’aide de CollectionConnection.
Cit fournit également des produits et services NTIC pour des institutions culturelles autour de leurs collections : gestions système, numérisation, hébergement, matériel, formation, gestion de projet et conseil.
Presentation at Collective Imagination 2016
Nos clients au sujet de la coopération avec Cit
Regina Doppelbauer, Albertina, Wenen
« In 2011, Albertina Museum decided to present their holdings on an own web site – with the intention to represent the famous collection in an optimum way. In addition, two further data bases (library, bio-bibliographic date base on photography in Austria) should be integrated under one common, searchable portal.
As CIT had perfect understanding of TMS, the image data base used at Albertina, and they, with Collection Connection, could present a functional on-line-solution, with the capability of providing search access to the two other systems as well, CIT was finally commissioned with the project.
Already after four months, a first version could be released on line. However, the task of considerable complexity has required further implementation steps. In close coordination between Albertina and CIT, functionality and appearance have been improved iteratively, until arriving at the current impressive result. At this moment, around 70 000 works of art are searchable on line, as well as 80 000 entries from our library. Historians of photography are very happy about the bio-bibliographical data base. Any on line data base is constantly evolving, in order to meet new and more demanding requirements. We are committed to continuing this path together with CIT.
Together with CIT, Albertina has developed yet another, related product – the catalogue raisonné of 3 500 drawings of the Austrian artist Max Weiler. Here, the challenge was to present a strictly chronological structure in an appealing format, providing the capability of free search as well.
For both projects, both parties had to contribute significant effort, at times requiring considerable persistence as well. Remarkably, a constructive but relaxed atmosphere could be maintained. CIT contributed a structured approach, they met their deadlines, and they were always reachable when the Albertina team had questions. We would like to mention in particular the contributions of CIT’s project manager and of their software developer. »